the axiom

ax·i·om n.
1. A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim: “It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services” (Albert Jay Nock). 2. An established rule, principle, or law. 3. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

count on me singapore

look at it this way, i'm about as patriotic as the next 18 yr old singaporean lining up for national service, but honestly speaking the national day parade didnt exactly puff my chest up a bit more with national pride.

well where do i start? hrm there were 3 things that really irritated me.

1) tapdancers. like c'mon. tapdancers? performing in an open-air stadium in front of tens of thousands of people? like c'mon. you can't possibly be serious abt this.

2) whats up with the formations and all man.

commentator 1: what does this particular formation mean?
commentator 2: well it symbolizes the vibrancy and enthusiasm of today's youths!
*cues bored looking kids wearing yellow reject shop costumes flapping their arms*
commentator 1: yes! we can see how theyre all having a ball of a time!
(mind you, she said this with the confidence of a 500 pound wrestler going into a fight against denys)

honestly folks. not only were they trying to force through meanings with these random formations and not only were the costumes so god damn ugly and weird, the sad thing was that the true meaning of national day was obviously lost on the kids. i highly doubt that they saw their participation in the parade as anything more than CIP hours and a chance to make friends who are possibly better looking than them.

we have got to find another way to not only celebrate the independence of our nation but to also make the youths of today appreciate what it means to be independent. i dont have the answers with me, but when i do i'll make sure i blog abt it. heh.

3) whats up with the bastardized national day songs! since when was stand up for singapore so techno! blasphemy! whoever was responsible for such gross inhumanity shall be made to pay!

i shall write to my friendly neighbourhood MP and complain *nods* together we make a difference!

the only redeeming factor in the entire parade was the fact that i managed to catch amoz's dad's drum invention in action. boy was it damn cool.

anw i started on my mugging today (gasps! hard to believe but true!) and i juz realised that i'm in quite deep shit. taking a leaf out of yining's mum's book (lao zhi zao an!) i went and weighed my box of notes and it was a whopping 8.4kg!

curse you 200 years of history. grumbles.


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