the axiom

ax·i·om n.
1. A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim: “It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services” (Albert Jay Nock). 2. An established rule, principle, or law. 3. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate.

Friday, August 18, 2006

i need to mug. badly.

my handphone sits there, like a still- born cadaver, breeding expectations that know nothing but its own faded outlines.

i dont even know what i'm waiting for actually-

back in the world of the living, i'm just bumming around and being surprised by the fact that anxiety and stress hasn't come knocking on my door yet. its interesting really, i'm unnaturally calm. too calm some might say. just to correct certain misconceptions, its not that i'm so confident of myself or that i've mugged everything 10 times over or something, its just that the reality of prelims being just 23 days away or that the much anticipated As are a mere 63 days away hasnt really hit home yet. funny, no?

been reading a bit here and there, but that's about it. lit and history remain untouched and i've barely made headway into econs. but it's all good. i should think that i would be able to pick things up soon- i hope. in some ways, i think that being calm and unstressed is a good thing. no point rushing and panicking and ultimately not absorbing anything. anyway, i'm just gonna go out there and just have fun with the papers. i guess its a gamble but hey, what's life without its little calculated gambles here and there.

anyway, i wanna see how long i can get away with having this long mop on my head. my bet is, i'd be able to go all the way till after prelims and after which, mr tan and his minions would come a- chasing with their mini hatchets (sponsored by adidas no less).

oh one bad thing, i think i've been eating too much! its a tragedy i tell you. right about now, i look like an obese civet cat on weed who's bursting out of its uniform. pretty soon i'll get so big that i would ably satisfy the libido of a blue whale, and not long after that, i would be as big as bertrand (gasps!).

well that's about it, i need to get back to work. this dastardly thing called the origins of the cold war just brandished it own mini hatchet, so gotta run-


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