the axiom

ax·i·om n.
1. A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim: “It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services” (Albert Jay Nock). 2. An established rule, principle, or law. 3. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

money or life? would you like fries with that?

well i'm in a desperate need for a break right about now, its been one hell of a rush-- much apppreciated no less-- but i've reached that point where i'm yearning for some rest- time. but then again, its not much of a rest time when you think about it, considering the bunch of us will only be getting the grace period of what? 3 days? barely enough to recharge our batteries.

there's something that has been festering at the back of my mind these past few days, haunting thoughts that i wish would leave me alone; but this embryonic dilemma that has housed itself in my own deep- seated insecurities would scarcely flutter away so suddenly and so graciously. not without justifying its parasitic nature.

in other news, i really dont understand the recent wave of discontent targeted at the teenybopper influence over idol voting patterns. true, the phenomena itself robbed certain 'more talented' contestants of extended airtime on the show, but it would be postponing the inevitable for a while more only anyway. these people either didnt have the appeal or the musical talent to warrant 'staying power', and if we're being brutally honest, talent would at the end of the day prevail no matter what-- safely assuming sylvester sim as an anomaly of course. moreover, these teenyboppers are the very people who will drive the careers of these 'idols' through album sales anyway.

the people complaining about the competition being the search for the 'idol for adolescent girls' are completely misguided in this respect. if one didnt bother to vote-- mind you, many people just watched without voting, me included-- enough to extend the idol's proverbial visa extension on the show, what are the chances of these very people buying their albums? highly unlikely. instead, i think file sharing programmes would see a flurry of singaporeans scrambling for the singles online.

i should seriously stop blogging about idol, but with so many of my classmates giving shows like rockstar supernova more than enough attention, i just thought that a local flavour to my entries would be the remedy any doctor would rightly approve.

back to pummeling my brain now.


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