the axiom

ax·i·om n.
1. A self-evident or universally recognized truth; a maxim: “It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services” (Albert Jay Nock). 2. An established rule, principle, or law. 3. A self-evident principle or one that is accepted as true without proof as the basis for argument; a postulate.

Monday, September 04, 2006


i cant really help it if my posts have been a tad mundane, nothing interesting has been happening around here! well that's obviously discounting the little incident where my brother "accidentally" kneed my nose and it started bleeding profusely. i said "accidentally" because i'm pretty sure he was aiming for a part of my anatomy, though not with the intent to cause bodily harm of course. i think. anyway, my nose started bleeding again while i was on my way back home from the hair salon. all the aunties gave me that frightened look while i walked by them, possibly wondering who this handsome wounded warrior might be. well its either that, or they might've thought that i was one of those mat gangsters who got into a fight-- i shall go with the former though, sounds more possible. people have said that i resembled legolas from time to time *nods knowingly*.

anyway, prelims are about a week away. i think. its quite scary though, not just the fact that the second most important examinations of the year is just around the corner, but that my classmates have been so hard at work! hell, some are starting to draw econs graphs in the air while drinking coffee at starbucks and others, well they've resorted to climbing the school building just to get places to mug! such blasphemy! at this rate, i'm gonna sit snugly in last place for most of the subjects. well, that's if i'm lucky anyway.

at any rate, i havent started lit yet and well i've more or less resigned myself to the fact that i will be sitting for the papers without having re- read the books. that would be fun. i just hope i dont mix up the characters and have tom in the country wife or horner as some hughes' metaphor, or worse still, invent new characters. on second thoughts, throwing in characters called bertrand and denys might actually jazz up beloved a bit. the novel could use some more trees in the background.

for now, i shall track down fashion gurus like andrea, nicola & sulas to rid myself of dastardly eyebags!


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